Making sure Latinas join the journalism industry—and remain in it.
The goal of the Latinas in Journalism Mentorship Program is to connect students and journalism professionals at all levels of their careers with mentors.
Our community continues to be underrepresented in the journalism industry. We also face unique challenges, which makes mentorship a crucial tool to help us navigate this space and advance our careers.
By supporting one another, we can create change.

A letter from our organizer
Throughout my nine years in the journalism industry, I’ve benefited from the wisdom and kindness of incredible women of color who’ve mentored and championed me. None of them, however, have been Latina. I’ve thought a lot about why it has been difficult to find a fellow Latina who would take me under their wing and how there have been many points in my career where I wish I could have spoken with them because I knew they would just get it. This is a feeling I’ve heard over and over again from Latina colleagues, and one that became more urgent in the summer of 2020.
The reckoning that took place in myriad newsrooms in the U.S. has underscored the need for greater diversity and inclusion in our industry. Latinas are a key part of that equation. With this in mind, I decided to launch the Latinas in Journalism Mentorship Program. My hope is that this initiative will erase the barriers to accessing mentorship so many of us have faced, and allow for us to create a network of support across the U.S. and beyond. Whether you’re struggling with your resume or are excited about changing career paths, this small army of volunteers we’ve organized is here to help you navigate the journalism industry.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a college junior or you’ve been working as a journalist for two decades, whether you’re a cisgender woman or not, whether you work at a major TV network or a community newspaper—whatever your background, whatever your needs, we’ve made this program for you. I’m proud of this effort and excited about the potential it has to benefit all of our lives, and to make our industry more equitable. Above all, I’m grateful for all the brilliant women who jumped at the chance to give back to our community.
Juntas somos más fuertes.